Stamp Duty Payable on Leave and License Agreement

Stamp Duty Payable on Leave and License Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

Renting has become an increasingly popular option for those who want to experience flexibility and freedom in their living situations. One of the most common forms of renting is through a leave and license agreement. This type of agreement allows the tenant to occupy the property for a certain period, usually up to 11 months, and pay rent to the landlord. However, the process of creating such an agreement involves certain legal formalities, including the payment of stamp duty.

What is Stamp Duty?

Stamp duty is a tax levied on legal documents, including agreements, deeds, and certificates. The Indian Stamp Act, 1899, governs the payment and collection of stamp duty. The tax rate varies from state to state and depends on the nature, type, and value of the transaction. The stamp duty paid on the agreement serves as proof of the legality of the document and protects the parties in case of legal disputes.

What is a Leave and License Agreement?

A leave and license agreement is a legal agreement between the licensor (the landlord) and the licensee (the tenant) allowing the licensee to use and occupy the property for a specified time. Unlike a typical rental agreement, a leave and license agreement only grants the tenant the right to use the property and not the ownership. The agreement is usually short-term, and the licensee pays a license fee to the licensor.

Stamp Duty on Leave and License Agreement

The payment of stamp duty on leave and license agreements is mandatory, and the amount varies from state to state. In most states, stamp duty is calculated as a percentage of the total annual rent payable. For example, in Maharashtra, the stamp duty on a leave and license agreement is 0.25% of the total rent payable for the period of the agreement. Additionally, a registration fee is charged, depending on the locality of the property.

In some states, such as Delhi, Haryana, and Punjab, the stamp duty on a leave and license agreement is a fixed amount. For example, in Delhi, the stamp duty payable on a leave and license agreement is Rs. 100/- for the first five years, and Rs. 500/- for every subsequent five years.

Non-payment of stamp duty on a leave and license agreement may result in legal consequences, such as the agreement being rendered invalid by the court. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the stamp duty is paid in full and within the specified time frame.


A leave and license agreement is a legally binding document that protects both the landlord and the tenant. The payment of stamp duty is an essential legal formality that helps protect the parties involved in case of any legal disputes. Each state in India has its own regulations on the payment of stamp duty, and it is crucial to understand these regulations before entering into a leave and license agreement. A little bit of research and willingness to comply with legal regulations can help avoid any unnecessary legal hassles in the future.